The Vintage Camper Trailers Magazine

Rallies Pricing

Category Based Pricing Plans
Free Listing $0.00

List your rally for FREE, and we will add your rally to the next issue of the Vintage Camper Trailers Magazine.

List your club for FREE.

One photo and a URL.

Subscribe to the VCT Magazine.

Featured Rally Listing $18.00

List your rally or event in the "Featured" section at the top of the page and we will add your rally to the next issue of the Vintage Camper Trailers Magazine. Subscribe to the VCT Magazine.

Includes three photos and a URL.

Premium Rally Listing $48.00

List your rally or event in the "Featured" section and we will share your event across our Facebook page, Facebook Group, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and in our email newsletter. We will add your rally to the next issue of the Vintage Camper Trailers Magazine. Subscribe to the VCT Magazine.

Includes ten photos a URL, a video, and a coupon option.

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